Support French International
Thank you for your interest in supporting French International School of Oregon!
Our development team will help you navigate the many opportunities to support the school, whether you are a parent, grandparent, or friend. Our door is always open and we encourage you to drop by with questions, ideas, or just to say hello.
Like most independent schools, French International relies on financial and volunteer support from our community to support day-to-day operations, as well as larger strategic initiatives, enabling our school to continue moving boldly forward in our mission. Contributions of time, treasure, and talent from our parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends help to make French International extraordinary. We encourage each of our families to make French International one of their top philanthropic priorities.
French International School of Oregon is Portland’s longest-established language-immersion school and the city’s only IB World School for students in preschool through grade 8. Our school educates students from a global perspective preparing them to engage with inclusivity, achieve with integrity, and excel with distinction.
While we continue to evolve through visionary leadership, your philanthropic support ensures that our students experience the fullest possible range of intellectual, artistic, athletic, technological, and social opportunities.
The generous contributions of our families, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends directly benefits our students and helps our school adapt to the challenges of an increasingly intricate world. We thank you in advance for your support!
Charlotte Bouaziz
News and Donor Stories
French International parents and community members volunteered more than 7,500 hours this year. Volunteer support allows French International to keep administrative expenses low while maintaining the events and opportunities that make our school special. From field trips to class breakfasts to the Annual Gala, volunteers make it all possible!
At French International, we are proud to have devoted parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and grandparents committed to positively shaping our school and enriching the student experience. LaGazette features families who donate to the Annual Fund, give their time with volunteer hours, and why they support French International. This month's donor spotlight is the Buddenhagen-Wiesmann Family.
The 36th Annual Gala and Auction was an unforgettable night filled with glitz, glam, and giving. Thanks to the generosity of the community, the Gala raised more than $250,000 to support financial aid.
The Campaign for French International reached its first major milestone at the end of February, hitting the one million dollars pledged mark. The Campaign for French International will support a complete campus transformation to create a student-centered environment, prepare the school for future growth, and establish a permanent campus.
French International is proud to boast that we have 100% participation from our Board of Trustees. Each of our 18 board members has made a meaningful commitment to this project, and we are proud to boast that we have 100% participation from our Board of Trustees in the campaign.
On February 9, French International hosted the 1979 Society Soirée celebrating the school's community of leadership donors. On February 10, French International hosted the Alumni Family reunion celebrating the alumni and alumni families who are part of French International's history.
At French International, we are proud to have devoted parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and grandparents committed to positively shaping our school and enriching the student experience. LaGazette features families who donate to the Annual Fund and why they support French International. This month's donor spotlight is the Baer-Olson Family.
On November 28, the French International community supported the Annual Fund by participating in Giving Tuesday. Our community raised over $33,000, with more dollars in matching gifts still being processed. Thank you to everyone who supported French International.