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Students Discover Architectural Wonders During ACE Week

Students Discover Architectural Wonders During ACE Week

October 21-25 was Arts and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) Week at French International. The Extended Learning team put on a wonderful week of activities for students diving into the theme of architecture. 

Throughout the week, 92 French International students participated in various activities related to architecture, design, and construction. The week included several activities with students creating buildings using materials like Lincoln Logs, blocks, popsicle sticks, spaghetti, marshmallows, and decks of cards. They turned sugar cubes into igloos, and K-1st built tipis to explore how some indigenous cultures built homes that moved with them. The TPS-PreK camp explored alternative materials by building blanket forts out of pillows and blankets. Older students designed and built their own dream homes using drafting tools and floor plans. Students looked at famous buildings, recreated them using different mediums, and formed opinions about what they liked and disliked in different structures.

The week leaned into the changing scenery around campus as French International undergoes a full campus transformation. Students were able to get a better understanding of what is happening at school and the process by which a new building is designed and built. This ACE week fostered critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity in all the participants.

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