November Global Mindset Moments
Throughout the year, we share weekly Global Mindset Moments on social media to demonstrate how our mission is playing out in our school and how we are fulfilling our Strategic Plan. Here are the November Global Mindset Moments:
Global Mindset Moment (November 22): Our first graders are the caretakers of the mason bees who help pollinate our forest and the plants on campus. Each fall, the first graders clean the cacoons and put the bees in a safe place for the winter. The Middle School Green Team gave up their independent study and recess time to help the first graders with their tasks. We teach students to care for the world in which they live while collaborating with others. Students showed communication, compassion, risk-taking, and critical thinking skills to help the bees and our school environment.
Global Mindset Moment (November 15): The Middle School used last Friday's half day as a community day. Advisories were paired, and eighth-grade design students organized different activities to get the groups to collaborate and work together. The eighth graders also had an opportunity to share information about their community projects and get feedback from sixth and seventh-grade students. The final part of the day was service where students cleaned up the school and worked in the forest. Creating an inclusive community of people includes giving our students the opportunity to build connections and establish a welcoming environment. Service is also part of the IB philosophy of making an impact in your own community.
Global Mindset Moment (November 8): Emilie's class celebrated Diwali this week! Volunteers came and read books to the students, made a rangoli, helped students with two crafts (lanterns and mandala), and brought Diwali snack. As we talk about being an inclusive community of people, we want to open our students' minds to the world and different traditions. It's wonderful to have our parents and grandparents in the classroom sharing about their backgrounds and cultures.
Global Mindset Moment (November 1): First graders are working on writing narrative sentences in their English classes. Second graders just finished writing narrative stories in their English classes. So, second grade visited first grade to read their narrative stories and give advice to the first-grade students. When we talk about programs that prepare, we want our curriculum to build on itself and get more challenging each year. Additionally, we want students to learn to be confident and proud to share their work.