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Classes Learn about the Tradition of the Galette des Rois

Classes Learn about the Tradition of the Galette des Rois

This month, students in Maternelle and Lower School learned about the tradition of the galette des rois, or a King Cake. 

Traditionally, the cake is made of puff pastry with an almond cream filling. Inside the cake, a small charm or féve is hidden. After the cake is baked, the youngest person sits under the table and decides who gets each slice. The person who finds the féve is the king or queen.

Each class put its own spin on the galette, using the cake as an opportunity to build listening, reading, collaboration, and communication skills.

For example, pre-k students are exploring the central idea of “The world is rich with traditional songs, rhymes, and tales.” They learned about the tradition of the galette and what it means to the different people who celebrate with it. They also learned a song about galettes and sang it before eating their treat.

Sandra’s fifth-grade class made two galettes as well. The students were split into groups, given the recipe, and had to work together to make their cakes. It was an exercise in math, reading, and collaboration.

The galettes were fun to see this month. Having native speakers from around the world also opens students' minds to the world and allows them to learn about traditions and experiences from other countries and cultures.

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