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International Francophonie Day in the Middle School

International Francophonie Day in the Middle School

On March 20, the world celebrated International Francophonie Day, a day dedicated to recognizing the contributions of French-speaking individuals and countries to history.

The Bassalé family (sixth-grade parents) visited the school on March 18 to speak to students about Benin, Cameroon, and Senegal. All three are French-speaking countries with rich culture and history.

The Middle School celebrated with a “Hub Bub” on March 20, during which students and staff gathered in the hub. Fifth graders also joined for the assembly. Beginning French and French-track students sang songs representing different aspects of the francophonie.

The sixth-grade students participated in a francophonie buffet. Students researched a French-speaking country and brought in a traditional food dish from that country to share. 

There are more than 360 million French speakers worldwide and 77 member states of the International Organization of La Francophonie. At French International, we aim to educate students to become global thinkers and expose them to diverse and unique cultures.

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