Eighth Graders Perform Moana Jr.
As part of their design class, French International eighth graders performed Moana Junior shows for the rest of the student body.
The students choose the musical they want to perform at the beginning of the semester. They assign roles, learn lines, and choreograph the movements. Additionally, the students work on building set pieces and finding props to enhance the scenery. For example, the performers used blue scarves to represent the waves of the ocean. The goals of the theater performance block are to have students build their collaboration and communication skills, get out of their comfort zones by performing in front of an audience, and learn about the art of storytelling. Theater is a form of storytelling that can make a larger connection by designing stage and scenery elements.
During the final week of January, Maternelle and first-grade students got to be the first audience for the eighth graders on Tuesday. The rest of the Lower School watched the show on Wednesday morning, and Middle Schoolers enjoyed the show on Thursday afternoon. The final show will be Friday evening for parents.
We are proud of the hard work of our students, who put together a captivating and engaging show.