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Regional and International Trips

Regional and International Trips

In Middle School, students take regional and international to expand their knowledge, get hands-on experiences, and make connections with their classmates, nature, and other cultures.

6th Grade

Sixth graders go to Outdoor School for a week at the beginning of the school year. This team-building trip allows them to get to know each other while they learn about the natural resources and beauties of their state. As students live and work together, they learn outdoor skills, improve science skills, and develop inquiry learning.

7th Grade

Seventh graders focus on the theater and performing arts during their spring trip. For three days they see plays, attend workshops, interact with stage actors,  and enjoy sites in the company of their peers. 

8th Grade

Eighth-grade students participate in a two-week trip abroad, where their language learning experience culminates in a homestay with a host family, a few days in a local school, and some sightseeing. Over the past years, the following destinations have been offered: Spain, Chile, France, Martinique,  Germany, Austria, Taiwan, and China. After the home stay students spend a few days with their peers visiting sites in a larger city. The students are strongly encouraged to travel to the country of the beginning language they started studying in sixth grade. Objectives include the student using the language that they have been studying for the last three years, experiencing the culture of the various countries, and traveling with friends as a conclusion to their years here at French International.

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