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Mathematics is a course that begins in sixth grade with a non-tracked introductory course and moves into a tracked course in seventh and eighth grades. Our curriculum is based on both the US and French standards. The courses taught include Integrated Math 6, 7, and 8. Integrated Math Extended 7 and 8. Advanced French students have the option of taking  Integrated Math 6, 7, and 8, in French. 

Mathematics over three years is learning about how the pieces of the puzzle fit together as one, to create better critical thinkers. The process is a series of steps that not only build onto each other but connect, to create beauty in our world. Students begin by studying where our number system comes from, moving towards deductive reasoning skills by studying geometry concepts, culminating with the application of quadratics in real-world situations. Units of work are written collaboratively and each year includes four branches of study, number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and statistics and probability.

Units are designed to promote inquiry through an understanding of key and related concepts through six MYP Global Contexts. Teachers work collaboratively to design units that articulate what students should know, understand and be able to do in a real-world context. 

Students are encouraged to: 

  • Develop inductive and deductive reasoning skills 
  • Apply their knowledge to real-world applications 
  • Become more confident in their knowledge of complex problem-solving skills 
  • Recognize how mathematics permeates the world around us 
  • Use a variety of tools to further skills and knowledge 
  • Appreciate multicultural and historical perspectives of mathematics 
  • Recognize the interconnectedness of the strands of mathematics 
  • Enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems 

At French International School of Oregon, teachers commit to a variety of summative assessment tasks tied to learning objectives, skills, and criteria. Before an assessment or along with it, teachers will hand out clearly described tasks and criteria for assessment. All units of work include formative assessments leading to the summative piece. Summative assessments will be in many forms including modeling, investigations of real-life STEM/STEAM  problems, hands-on projects, pattern-finding investigations, and exams.

6th Grade: Integrated 6

  • Number and number systems and decimals
  • Euclidean geometry
  • Fractions/Percentages
  • Perimeters and area
  • Angles and triangles
  • Algebraic expressions and equations

7th Grade: Integrated 7

  • Integers, expressions, and equations 
  • Ratios, fractions, proportions, and rates
  • Statistics and probability
  • Functions and recursive routines 
  • Pythagorean theorem and quadrilateral properties
  • Linear equations
  • Integrated 7 Extended-all in the Integrated 7 topics plus the following:
    • Systems of equations and inequalities 
    • Introduction of indirect measures

8th grade: Integrated 8

  • Money math
  • Three-dimensional geometry
  • Exponents and exponential 
  • equations
  • Systems of equations and inequalities (not extended group)
  • Quadratics
  • Transformations
  • Integrated 8 Extended-all in the Integrated 8 topics plus the following:
    • Triangle congruence
    • Quadrilaterals and circles

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