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The Patricia C. Inskeep Library houses more than 16,000 volumes in French, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese, and English.

The library is open  8 AM - 4:30 PM on school days.     

Library Catalog

Our students in preschool through third grade visit one of our libraries once a week with their classes to hear stories in French, check out books, and learn how to be independent library users. As students reach fourth and fifth grade their classes come to the main library every other week to check out books and learn the skills they will need to complete the PYP Exhibition Project. Students in these grades are also encouraged to visit the library independently during their recess times. Our middle schoolers are invited to check out books whenever they want, but the library is reserved for their independent use after lunch. Middle school teachers can also choose to schedule visits for their classes.

Our collection is constantly changing to meet the needs of the community at all levels. We support student research and reading skills development as well as generating enthusiasm for stories and discovery. In addition to our extensive print collection, the library manages a catalog of online tools to support the research needs of students from fourth through eighth grade. We even have books in languages that are not necessarily taught at our school, but which are spoken in our multicultural community. These books help students make connections between home and school while also allowing them to share that part of their life experience with classmates and teachers!

French International families can access the digital library, digital tools, library resources, and password information on the library page in the parent portal.

French International Library - Parent Portal